Tuesday 30 September 2014

Barr's Originals Cream Soda With Raspberry Review

Disclaimer : I LOVE THIS DRINK.

This is Barr's Originals Cream Soda with a twist of Raspberry. And oh boy does that twist raise what would otherwise be a pretty ordinary (but still delicious) cream soda. Cream soda happens to be one of my favourite drinks, and I recently reviewed their standard edition.

This one is nicely carbonated, with quite a light level that isn't too sharp. It's not overly sweet either, and the nice crisp vanilla flavour has good depth and comes through nicely. The star of the show is the Raspberry. Almost giving a similar glorious union to the combination of Raspberry and Milk of Swizzels Matlow Drumstick chews, this is a partnership of flavours that happily skip over each other and compliment eachother perfectly.

Big big fan, the only problem is availability....definitely available in Waitrose and online, but not many other places! If you see it, get it!

1 comment:

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